研究显示在英国自推出禁烟令以来死产率下降了近百分之八,具这项研究估计新生儿死亡的数量也下降了近百分之八。越来越多的证据表明,禁烟法令对婴儿和儿童的健康有好处。 爱丁堡大学的研究人员研究了在英格兰1995年和2011年之间出生的超过一千万新生儿。 他们的研究结果表明,在禁止在公共场所吸烟的法律颁布后的前四年中,避免了近1500个死胎和新生儿死亡的发生。 该小组还评估了吸烟禁令对低出生体重婴儿数量的影响,低体重初生儿与晚年健康并发症包括心脏病和糖尿病有关。 据研究人员估计有超过五千名婴儿出生时是低出生体重儿,体重低于2.5公斤。怀孕期间吸烟或有吸烟史,对胎儿的健康有长期的负面影响,包括会增加糖尿病和心脏病的风险。 研究人员之前发现早产率大幅下降的国家都建立了无烟立法。自禁令颁布以来大量因哮喘发作住院以及有严重呼吸道感染疾病的儿童都有所下降。 这是第一个研究表明无烟立法有助于减少婴儿产前和产后死亡的风险。这项研究发表在《Scientific Reports》杂志上。 Jasper Been博士说:“目前,世界只有大约18%的人口有全面无烟法律的保护。许多国家加速行动实施禁烟令,这样做可能会拯救相当多的年轻的生命,为我们未出生的孩子提供一个更健康的未来。” Aziz Sheikh教授表示:“这项研究进一步表明,无烟立法可避免吸烟和接触二手烟草烟雾对健康带来的毁灭性后果,它具有保护现在和未来几代人的潜在力量。” doi:10.1038/srep13020 PMC: PMID: Impact of smoke-free legislation on perinatal and infant mortality: a national quasi-experimental study Jasper V Been, Daniel F Mackay, Christopher Millett, Jill P Pell, Onno CP van Schayck &Aziz Sheikh Smoke-free legislation is associated with improved early-life outcomes; hoWever its impact on perinatal survival is unclear. We linked individual-level data with death certificates for all registered singletons births in England (1995–2011). We used interrupted time series logistic regression analysis to study changes in key adverse perinatal events following the July 2007 national, comprehensive smoke-free legislation. We studied 52,163 stillbirths and 10,238,950 live-births. Smoke-free legislation was associated with an immediate 7.8% (95%CI 3.5–11.8; p < 0.001) reduction in stillbirth, a 3.9% (95%CI 2.6–5.1; p < 0.001) reduction in low birth weight, and a 7.6% (95%CI 3.4–11.7; p = 0.001) reduction in neonatal mortality. No significant impact on SIDS was observed. Using a counterfactual scenario, we estimated that in the first four years following smoke-free legislation, 991 stillbirths, 5,470 cases of low birth weight, and 430 neonatal deaths were prevented. In conclusion, smoke-free legislation in England was associated with clinically important reductions in severe adverse perinatal outcomes.